Raj Joneja - Trustee Plus from 2019

Raj Joneja seems to overflow with ideas. They just keep coming, whether I’m asking him about community film screenings, how to attract interest in a running club, jazz appreciation, brewing beer, or the importance of libraries. He has been a trustee of Street Trees for Living for several years. He especially enjoys the diversity of thought and the great set of people he meets in the role. He has met data scientists, marketers, accountants and arboriculturists, who all contribute to the charity in different ways. He himself provides a bit of commercial input. “My professional life in finance gives me a different lens. I tend to think about money and efficiency, and this is an important element in any organisation”.

“I’m a big fan of trees, but this does not come from knowledge or study. As a city dweller I have simply noticed, especially during recent heat waves, standing amongst trees is so much more pleasant than not! I suppose it’s not very surprising in view of the serious work that shows the cooling effect of city trees. However, I am quietly cautious that we don’t oversell their benefits. I’m happiest when our claims as a charity can be backed up by science.”

Years ago Raj did a master’s degree on the role of community-led organisations in situations where councils or governments must, or choose to, step back. “This is the background in which STfL has its roots. It’s been inspiring to see how the charity took the initiative with the planting of street trees.”

Raj himself is clearly interested in promoting good causes. He also volunteers for the New Cross and Deptford Free Film Festival (NXDFFF) which held thirty screenings during its most recent season in 2023, in front rooms, parks, restaurants and pubs. He was also an early joiner, and volunteer, with Runhead running club. Runhead now has 4-500 members and raises funds for Westminster House youth club. One project involved brewing 5000 pints of its own “Extra Mile” beer, which sold out in two days!

This kind of positive thinking about community will obviously benefit STfL at every level. And Raj has a simple message for readers who are wondering whether to volunteer in community roles - “Put your head above the parapet. You won’t regret it.”

Raj supplied a link to serious science demonstrating the cooling effect of trees HERE.


George Eliot - Street Rep from 2021


Eva Lee