Protecting you
Street Trees for Living safe guarding policy
The charitable purpose of Street Trees for Living is set out in our registration with the Charity Commission to be for the public benefit to promote the physical enhancement and beautification of publicly accessible spaces in such London boroughs as the trustees shall determine, by the planting of trees and securing their guardianship. We do this in order to promote the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment for the public benefit, in particular by encouraging tree planting in publicly accessible spaces in such London boroughs as the trustees shall determine to increase biodiversity and promote the benefits of a healthy relationship between trees and humans.
This activity may involve us in meeting children or vulnerable adults on doorsteps whilst fundraising, or in volunteer activities. We encourage all of Lewisham’s residents who wish to, to join us in fundraising, watering and enjoying the new trees that we plant.
We believe that children are best safeguarded by their families, and therefore we encourage children under the age of 16 to join group volunteering activities whilst accompanied by an adult family member or having been agreed with their parent that they join a supervised maintenance group. Similarly any volunteer who knocks at a door which is opened by a child will ask to speak to the adult and if none is present will leave and return later.
We welcome all adult volunteers who are resident in Lewisham to join us in pursuing our charitable purpose. Where it appears that a volunteer may be vulnerable we will not involve them directly in fundraising, or door knocking, whilst welcoming their assistance in watering and maintaining street trees.
We have nominated a lead Trustee for safeguarding issues and will review our policy annually in view of best practice guidance, and learning from any incidents