…mostly volunteers, join them for good company
Volunteering has been the lifeblood of Street Trees for Living since 2011, and it can still start for anyone RIGHT HERE! Volunteers made it all happen and to a huge degree still do. They take roles ranging from trustee to tree waterer, sponsor to street rep. Over the years many volunteers have been willing to chat about themselves. On this page you can read pieces based on conversations with STfL Co-Founder Dom Eliot.
All the pieces were originally in our monthly e-newsletter. You can join the mailing list at the bottom of this page. If you know of someone who might like to discuss being a Street Tree Enthusiast of the Month please email
Please note copy and photos are subject to STfL copyright
Interviews with some of the people behind Street Trees for Living
Rosalind Stopps
Rosalind Stopps has been a Street Trees for Living Enthusiast from the start, spreading the word whenever she can and watering trees whenever she’s asked.
Xanthe Mosley
It’s not a legacy unless the trees last. My big interest now is not just planting them but helping trees to survive.”
Chris Pearce
Chris Pearce is an invaluable member of the street tree care team, meeting the practical and logistic challenges in the repair of posts and straps and cylindrical wire guards.
Ayse Hassan
“Volunteering is a great way of extending a passion or a hobby. Find something you love and go and do it!”
Maria Grogan
For nearly ten years Maria Grogan has been the Street Rep in her road in Ladywell, introducing herself to neighbours and organising support for planting trees. For them she is “the Tree Lady”.
Iliana Myles
“I like to support and challenge the charity to improve. I like to think about what the charity needs at any one moment, and how collectively trustees can support that.”