…mostly volunteers, join them for good company
Volunteering has been the lifeblood of Street Trees for Living since 2011, and it can still start for anyone RIGHT HERE! Volunteers made it all happen and to a huge degree still do. They take roles ranging from trustee to tree waterer, sponsor to street rep. Over the years many volunteers have been willing to chat about themselves. On this page you can read pieces based on conversations with STfL Co-Founder Dom Eliot.
All the pieces were originally in our monthly e-newsletter. You can join the mailing list at the bottom of this page. If you know of someone who might like to discuss being a Street Tree Enthusiast of the Month please email
Please note copy and photos are subject to STfL copyright
Interviews with some of the people behind Street Trees for Living
George Eliot - Street Rep from 2021
George Eliot is a Street Rep…. He was born George Iliev in Bulgaria a few years before the Wall came down. It becomes clear that George is an intellectually curious and cosmopolitan person. He has had homes in Bulgaria, China, the US, Hong Kong – and now the UK. He lives in London, noticing and loving its interconnectedness, the way the city seems to be a melting pot of class, ethnicity and culture.
Raj Joneja - Trustee Plus from 2019
Raj Joneja seems to overflow with ideas. They just keep coming, whether I’m asking him about community film screenings, how to attract interest in a running club, jazz appreciation, brewing beer, or the importance of libraries. He has been a trustee of Street Trees for Living for several years.
Eva Lee
Eva is Tree Guardian for a long row of trees in Elsinore Road. Luckily, it’s next to Kilmorie Primary School, one of a dozen or so schools in the STfL’s School Trees Project. She explains, “At our school each year-group adopted a particular tree and gave it a name. Desmond Tutu once lived nearby, so we have our ‘Tutu tree’, ‘Groot’ (from the Marvel film Galaxy of the Guardians, ta-da!) ‘Barko Blossom’, ‘Woody’, and ‘Lady Butterfrog’. The children help to water their trees for the crucial first two years from planting.”
Marie-Claire Denyer
Marie-Claire was one of the charity’s first volunteers. She was part of the growth of the STfL project even before it had the name.
Caroline Buckland
Caroline Buckland contacted STfL about volunteering having noticed the newly planted STfL trees during lockdown walks. She's been an Area Rep in Brockley ever since.